Meal Tracker Documentation

Documentation and tips for setting up Meal Tracker on your WordPress site.

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The majority of the public facing functionality are implemented using WordPress shortcodes. This allows you to place Meal Tracker functionality amongst your website content. For example, the most popular shortcode of the plugin is [meal-tracker]. To use a shortcode, place it amongst your website content and save. The shortcode shall then be replaced by the plugin feature.

Free shortcodes

Shortcode Description
[meal-tracker] A shortcode that encompasses all Meal Tracker front end functionality.

Premium shortcodes

Shortcode Description
[mt-calories-allowance] Display the calories allowance for today's entry.
[mt-calories-remaining] Display the remaining calories allowed for today's entry.
[mt-calories-used] Display the number of used calories allowance for today's entry.
[mt-calories-used-percentage] Display the percentage of calories used for today's entry.
[mt-chart-today] Display today's progress chart.
[mt-chart-entries] Display a line chart of the user's entries.
[mt-count-entries] Display the number of entries that the user has made.
[mt-count-meals] Display the number of meals the user has added to their collection.
[mt-date-latest-entry] Display the date of the user's latest entry.
[mt-date-oldest-entry] Display the date of the user's oldest entry.
[mt-table-entries] Display a table of the user's entries.