Meal Tracker Documentation

Documentation and tips for setting up Meal Tracker on your WordPress site.

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The following feature is only available in the Premium version of the plugin.

Meal Tracker supports the common WordPress gamification plugin myCred. This allows you to reward yours users for setting their target weight and adding new weight entries.

Please note: This guide presumes you have the relevant knowledge to setup myCred and the core principles of the plugin.

How to enable

First, via the WP Dashboard > Plugins, install and configure the myCred WordPress plugin.

myCred has a collection of hooks (these can be found in WP Dashboard > Points > Hooks). Each hook allows other plugins, like Meal Tracker, to specify "on this event reward the user x points". There are hooks for the Meal Tracker events "Meal Tracker: Meal added to an entry" and "Meal Tracker: Entry added". If enabled, you have the ability to specify how many points a user should be rewarded with for each event. You can also set a limit to state that the award can only be awarded x times with the given time period.

Usage examples


Below are some example usages by our friends at Be Strong.

Today's Meal Tracker leaderboard

[mycred_leaderboard based_on="yk_mt_meal_added" number=20 total=1 timeframe="today" current=1 wrap="ol" template="#%position% %user_profile_link% (%cred_f% Superstars)"]

This week's Meal Tracker leaderboard

[mycred_leaderboard based_on="yk_mt_meal_added" number=20 total=1 timeframe="this-week" current=1 wrap="ol" template="#%position% %user_profile_link% (%cred_f% Superstars)"]  

This month's Meal Tracker leaderboard

[mycred_leaderboard based_on="yk_mt_meal_added" number=20 total=1 timeframe="thismonth" current=1 wrap="ol" template="#%position% %user_profile_link% (%cred_f% Superstars)"]